Whenever one brings up politics now a days, he or she is met with more negative responses. This in turn leads to confusion on what side to lean on. Luckily, with the debate recently happening, Ohio Nu brother Jesse Prado decided to host an event to clarify everything up for the chapter. He, in the most objective and open manner, went over the differences between each political party and how being on one political party does not necessarily mean being 100% against the other political party. Jesse even included surveys to take, so each brother could find out where he stood on the political party spectrum.
Jesse’s reason for having the event was to let everyone know the basics since there is so much material out there that the truth can get tampered. As one who wants people to be more involved in knowing about politics, Jesse wanted to make sure everyone left knowing more than when the event began. Judging from brother feedback on the event, Jesse’s mission was a success, just like his event as a whole was as well.